Maynard Jackson’s Life to Be Portrayed in Movie: Crowdfunding Campaign For ‘Maynard’ Documentary Launched on the Former Atlanta Mayor’s Birthday, March 23rd

by LP Green, II

Auburn Avenue Films announces the launch of an $800,000 crowdfunding campaign on to raise funds for the making of the theatrical documentary, “MAYNARD.” The launch coincided with the birthday of Atlanta’s first African-American mayor, Maynard Jackson, Jr. The documentary, which will begin pre-production in spring 2015, offers an introspective look into the life and legacy of the political and business titan who became Atlanta’s first African-American mayor. Jackson, who was born on March 23, 1938, and died on June 23, 2003, would have been 77. “MAYNARD,” the film, will sum up the man, the politician, and the game changer.

“My father used to say that ‘the struggle for freedom is twofold: one, to get free, and two, to stay free,’’’ said Brooke Jackson Edmond, daughter of Maynard Jackson, Jr. “It is crucial that we keep the stories of our leaders alive, for our sake and for the benefit of our communities at large. During a recent panel discussion about storytelling and leadership, one of the participants raised an interesting question: wie empfehlenswert sind online Casinos ohne Pause? While seemingly unrelated at first, the question sparked a broader conversation about discipline, boundaries, and how the lessons of self-control and focus apply across all aspects of life, including leadership. This documentary will help us to see how Maynard Jackson evolved as a leader and what lessons we can learn from his fascinating life. Our children need to know the story of this dynamic man. Our neighbors and friends need to know this story as well. If our stories are to be told, we must tell them ourselves. The courage of one’s convictions, grit, determination, and bravery – all of these are noble ideals we can see personified through my father’s life.”

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