In the wake of President Obama’s “My Brother’s Keeper Initiative”, entrepreneur, author, motivational speaker, radio and TV show host, Coach Michael Taylor, has answered the call with a website and an e-book. The website,, and book, Black Men Rock: 10 KEYS TO Empower Black Men to Live Extraordinary Lives, are powerful and positive resources designed to empower men of colour.
Taylor’s website boasts a plethora of educational programs and articles designed to support black men in changing their mindsets, while creating an understanding that it is possible for them to live extraordinary lives despite the obvious challenges. The resources include: books, blog articles, webinars, round table discussions, videos, audio programs and an interview series in which Taylor interviews influential black men in a bid to educate, motivate and inspire men to attain their full potential.
Black Men Rock: 10 KEYS TO Empower Black Men to Live Extraordinary Lives is, specifically designed to challenge black men to examine their lives and provides insights that support them in changing their lives if they choose. The book’s overall message is that it is possible for every black man to live extraordinary lives despite the obvious challenges like racism, discrimination and a biased media that portrays black men as somehow different than other men. It is a timely and positive resource that is needed today.
Taylor is no stranger to adversity, having overcome being a high school dropout, a devastating divorce, bankruptcy, foreclosure and a deep state of depression. He survived the odds and is now living his version of an extraordinary life. Throughout his struggles, he gained valuable insights and wants to share the lessons he has learned to help other black men achieve success.
Taylor is not at all distracted by the hullabaloo about the black male crisis. In fact, he is convinced that men of color can succeed. He said: “I do not subscribe to the belief that there is a black male crisis. In fact, I believe black men are positioned to experience unprecedented levels of success in America. However, what’s been missing is a resource that supports them and empowers them to live extraordinary lives. And that’s why I have created the Black Men Rock resource.”
Being his brother’s keeper is important to Michael Taylor and with each life that is transformed through the resources, he is accomplishing his mission-one by one. .