Family entertainment network BYUtv announced its new comedy competition series “Wayne Brady’s Comedy IQ,” created and hosted by multiple Emmy-winning and Grammy-nominated Wayne Brady and his producing partner, Mandie Taketa. The show, which counts Queen Latifah among its executive producers will premiere April 6, 2020. Talented young people from across the country compete in a one-of-a-kind performers’ bootcamp to demonstrate the highest“comedy IQ.” Each new challenge teaches them to be multi-faceted in writing, directing, performing and creating comedic and musical content. Along the way, the teens learn universal skills that can bring them success in the real world.
“I’m so grateful to BYUtv for giving me the chance to pass on my 30 years plus of comedy and performing knowledge,” said Wayne Brady. “It means so much to me to help the next generation of funny along. I get to give the comedy guidance I never had at that age!”
The 10-episode unscripted series has completed production in Los Angeles and was executive produced by Wayne Brady, Mandie Taketa, Queen Latifah, Shakim Compere, Mechelle Collins and Kevin Dill of Intuitive Entertainment (Bravo’s “The Millionaire Matchmaker,” Lifetime’s “The Rap Game”) and BYUtv.
“The brilliant Wayne Brady and his producing partner, Mandie Taketa, came to us with a passion and plan for finding and nurturing young artists that we were delighted to make a reality,” said Michael Dunn, managing director of BYUtv. “What’s special about ‘Wayne Brady’s Comedy IQ’ is that it guides the contestants in navigating achievement, rejection and resiliency both in the entertainment industry and in everyday life. It’s a positive show about the human side of humor and reaching our own potential.”
“Wayne Brady’s Comedy IQ” kicks off with Brady auditioning hundreds of young people to find the select few he plans to mentor in his academy.