Resilience Equals Success for Mo’Ne Davis

Thirteen-year-old Mo’Ne Davis will never be forgotten after her groundbreaking journey in leading her Philadelphia baseball team to the Little League World Series. She was the only girl on the team, and the only girl on a Little League team at the series. Even though the Taney Dragons did not win, they became hometown heroes and Mo’Ne’s story made national news.

Mo’Ne’s story will not be forgotten, as her memoir will be published March 2015. Entitled, Mo’Ne Davis: Remember My Name will capture her ambition, drive, and determination to prove to herself and her mother that she could achieve her dreams. The story is set to inspire all who read it, and give motivation to youth about playing sports they enjoy.

Mo’Ne Davis resides in Philadelphia and is an honor roll student. She has been the youngest athlete to grace the covers of Sports Illustrated, and recently donated her jersey to the Baseball Hall of Fame.

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