NorthwestMutualNorthwestern Mutual has been helping clients take control of their financial futures for nearly 160 years. Today, helping clients turn their goals into their greatest achievements also includes a strategic focus on diversity and inclusion.

“We work with clients throughout the nation who have different financial needs, perspectives and backgrounds,” said Northwestern Mutual’s President Greg Oberland. “Diversity and Inclusion is a key part of our growth strategy—in order to help even more people achieve financial security we need to reflect the markets we serve both in the field and the home office. Building a more diverse and inclusive organization helps us attract more talent, serves as a catalyst for innovative ideas and helps us fulfill our mission.”

Northwestern Mutual embraces diversity and inclusion in a variety of ways: from building diversity and inclusion into their leadership programs to a strong supplier diversity strategy to a full multicultural marketing strategy, to continually striving to achieve high scores on diversity indices. The company also has a strong Employee Resource Group (ERG) culture that currently consists of ERGs for LGBTA, Hispanic, Military/Veteran, Women and African American employees. All employees are encouraged to participate in the ERGs to learn more about their diversity as individuals and how they can play a role in building a more inclusive environment.

“We want our employees and clients to know how devoted we are to creating an inclusive environment both in our home office and throughout our network offices. Our offices should reflect the marketplace,” said Raymone Jackson, director of diversity and inclusion. “ERGs are funded by the operating-budget to provide activities and events that reinforce an inclusive and engaged culture. With more than 7,000 financial representatives and 330 local offices across the country, we have both the opportunity and the responsibility to create an atmosphere that facilitates an open dialogue about our differences — as well as our similarities,” said Jackson. In order to fuel that goal, services such as office renovation companies can be contacted.

In addition, Northwestern Mutual has also created a Diversity and Inclusion Committee, which reports directly to the company’s Executive Leadership Team. The committee helps keep Northwestern Mutual focused on becoming more diverse and inclusive and counts both Oberland and Jackson among its members.

The company also engages in outreach efforts which include sponsoring the Howard University Center for Insurance Education, which allows its students to remain at the forefront of the insurance industry.

Diversity and Inclusion is part of every aspect of Northwestern Mutual; a company that believes in the power of diversity and inclusion as a way of fulfilling its mission, offering rewarding careers and building a world class brand.

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