Navigating Your Climb: Don’t Fly, When You Are Meant to Soar

The events of the past few years have given us pause on so many levels. Specifically, it has given us time to reframe and refocus our personal lives, as well as our professional lives. And, career choices have gained even greater importance than ever before, along with the definition of success. It is pivotal. “The Climb” has now gained new meaning as professionals evaluate and reassess their career choices and what lies ahead. In addition, undergraduates are preparing to make the pilgrimage from the rich halls of academia to the paths paved to the world of gainful employment.

Whether you are at the beginning of your journey, looking ahead with ripe anticipation, or in the season of changing jobs or careers, one thing is for certain: it is vital to chart a course as you embark on the climb. Your ability to navigate your ascent will undoubtedly determine your level of success and fulfillment. But first, it is key to take an assessment of the tools in the career toolbox, designed to assist in gaining the confidence and conviction to do what it takes to realize your vision.

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