Sheila A. Stamps

by LP Green, II
Sheila A. Stamps
Sheila A. Stamps
Former Executive Vice President
Boards: CIT Bank, N.A., CIT Group Inc.

Sheila A. Stamps most recently served as Executive Vice President of DBI, LLC (a private mortgage company), and Director of Fixed Income and Cash Management for the New York State Common Retirement Fund, respectively.


Sheila’s leadership roles in the banking industry include Managing Director and Group Head, Financial Institutions at Bank of America (formerly, FleetBoston Financial) and, prior thereto, Managing Director, Asset Backed Securitization and Management Committee Member at Bank One London (now, JP Morgan).


Stamps serves on the faculty of the National Association of Corporate Directors Board Advisory Services, is a NACD Board Leadership Fellow, and a Director of NACD New York Chapter.


Stamps earned a MBA in Finance from the University of Chicago; a BS in Management Sciences from Duke University; and completed a Harvard University Fellowship at the Weatherhead Center for International Affairs.

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