Frank P. Scruggs
Frank P. Scruggs P.A
Serves on Board of Directors for:
Truist Financial Corporation
Frank P. Scruggs, Jr. is a Principal at Frank P. Scruggs P.A.
Prior to his current role, Scruggs was a partner in the Florida business law firm Berger Singerman LLP. Prior to that, he was Executive Vice President for Office Depot, Inc., and a shareholder of the law firm Greenberg Traurig LLC.
Scruggs previously served as Florida Secretary of Labor and Employment Security, and served on the board of directors of Office Depot, Inc.
Scruggs is a Fellow of Litigation Counsel of America, an honorary society consisting of less than one-half of 1% of American lawyers. Scruggs holds a Bachelor of Arts in Government from Cornell University, a Master in Public Affairs from Princeton University and a Juris Doctor from Harvard Law School.