Craig Cuffie is Executive Vice President and Chief Procurement Officer at Salesforce.
In this role, Cuffie provides directional leadership and strategic management for the purchase, procurement and acquisition of all contractual services. Cuffie and his team serve as lead negotiators for enterprise-wide capital and associated operating expenses, including all hardware, technology, software licenses, professional services and service level agreements. Craig also oversees the Company’s supplier diversity initiatives.
Prior to joining Salesforce, Cuffie founded Eagle Island Advisors, a boutique private equity firm focused on sourcing lower mid-market opportunities in the 3rd Party Logistics (3PL) industry. Cuffie has also held positions as Vice President of Global Operations at Jawbone, Inc., Chief Procurement Officer and Vice President, Supply Chain at Clearwire.
Cuffie earned his Master’s degree in management from Renssalear Polytechnic Institute.