April Kelly-Drummond is the Head of Diversity Affairs & Multicultural Engagement for Denny’s, Inc. the nation’s largest family dining restaurant
operator with more than $2 billion annual sales.
In this role, Kelly-Drummond leads the company’s diversity initiatives, playing a significant role in transforming the company’s image and forging lasting
relationships with a who’s who in diverse national organizations.
She is an experienced executive in corporate diversity and multicultural affairs who currently works directly with all members of the company’s C-Suite and marketing team to create effective programs and partnerships with major national organizations.
Kelly-Drummond was named “South Carolina Women of the Year /Human and Community Relations Award” by Governor of South Carolina; and was named “Minority Advocate of the Year” by Asian Enterprise magazine for two consecutive years.
In her community, Kelly-Drummond is a corporate board member of the League of United Latin American Citizens and a Board Member of Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Upstate.
Kelly-Drummond holds her Bachelor of Arts degree in Professional Studies with a concentration in Organizational Leadership and Development
from the College of Charleston.
April Kelly-Drummond
Head of Diversity Affairs & Multicultural Engagement
Denny’s, Inc.
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