Diversity, equity and inclusion are woven into the culture at PNM Resources

Pat Vincent-Collawn, Chairman, President, and CEO of PNM Resources; Former Edison Electric Institute Chairman

PNM Resources is the holding company to PNM, New Mexico’s largest electricity provider, and TNMP, a transmission and distribution utility based in Texas. Diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) are the foundation of the company’s business practices, from its hiring and onboarding to its policies and code of conduct.

In its commitment to social equality, PNM Resources takes a multi-tiered approach to promote diversity that includes in-depth leadership training, collaboration with organizations such as Women in Business and Hire Our Heroes, and annual evaluations of its diversity and affirmative action plans.

“DEI enriches our environment, bringing important and varied perspectives and experiences to our decision-making and helps us more effectively address the needs of our employees, customers and community,” said Pat Vincent-Collawn, PNM Resources Chairman, President, and CEO.

PNM Resources holds itself to the highest standards to ensure its policies and everyday practices are built on hiring, mentoring, promoting, and compensating employees based on the quality of their work and not race, gender, orientation, or other personal characteristics.

The company’s efforts go beyond diversity as we embrace inclusion for all our employees.

According to the Edison Electric Institute, an inclusive organization maximizes the value of a diverse workforce by fully engaging individuals’ unique knowledge, abilities, and intellect to achieve better business results. Not only must our workforce be diverse, but all employees must feel respected and included.

“Having a diverse and inclusive workforce that mirrors the communities we serve benefits our customers, our employees, and our businesses. As an industry, we have made great progress, and I believe we’re ready to raise the bar even higher,” said Pat Vincent-Collawn, Chairman, President, and CEO of PNM Resources and former Edison Electric Institute Chairman.

As Chair of the Edison Electric Institute in 2017, Vincent-Collawn called for an industry-wide focus on enhancing the energy industry’s commitment to diversity and inclusion by making Diversity and Inclusion a strategic imperative. A year later, Vincent-Collawn hosted the industry’s first-ever diversity and inclusion forum, which spurred its new Diversity and Inclusion Commitment.

Since that time PNM Resources has taken strong stands against discrimination and has asked all business leaders to make a commitment to embrace diversity and inclusion and to talk boldly and honestly about these issues.  Further, we talk about and respect the value of differences by focusing on our cultural belief of Embrace Collaboration – seek input and differing perspectives to achieve our Company’s objectives.  At its core, this belief enriches our environment, bringing important and varied viewpoints and experiences to our decision-making.

“We must look to listen first and seek to understand where we discriminate – whether consciously or unconsciously – in our own lives. As leaders, we need to do our part to build a robust diverse and inclusive workforce while also helping diversity in our communities,” said Vincent-Collawn.

The company’s dynamic workforce today includes more than 50-percent minorities and 26-percent women along with diversity among its key leadership positions, including 4 female officers and 2 minorities; diversity is a key focus in company succession planning.

Learn more about PNM Resources’ commitment to social causes at https://www.pnmresources.com/esg-commitment/social.aspx.

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