It’s been a busy 2013 for Christian inspirational writer Aleysha Proctor, who has a penchant for encouraging people during life’s most difficult times.
One faithful reader rushed to the emergency room with one of the acclaimed author’s books in hand to keep her spirits high. Proctor continues to uplift others with her fifth book, “Good News in a Bad News World.” This year, the author has launched two new books and now a radio show.
If anyone knows how to move forward from difficulty, it is Aleysha Proctor. “I practice what I write about. I’ve gone through my own seasons of unemployment, disappointments, setbacks and unwelcomed news from the doctors, and I’ve seen God’s Word be proven true, over and over again, in my own life.”
“Good News in a Bad News World” is a “best of” the author’s four previous books:
- “With Style & Amazing Grace” (2007),
- “He’s the Keeper of My Soul” (2008),
- “Jazz, Java & Jesus” (2010) and
- “Inspired to Move Forward” (2013).
Proctor has also added a special section to the back of her new book where she shows the readers Jesus in all 66 books of the Bible – from Genesis to Revelation.
In addition to writing books, Proctor has also joined the line-up of radio show personalities on WLVS Radio. Her show,Inspiration for Life, can be heard and seen nationwide and in more than 135 countries each Sunday from 2-3pm EST on WLVS Radio.
Proctor said, “I’m so excited about my new radio show. It’s another avenue to share hope and encouragement with a wider audience.”