Beazer Homes Names Elicia Azali Chief Marketing Officer

Beazer Homes names Elicia Azali as Chief Marketing Officer.

Elicia Azali is a bold and purposeful executive who has transformed several billion dollar brands across industries. Most recently she served as Enterprise Chief Marketing Officer at American Family Insurance. As the company’s lead marketer, Elicia defined the enterprise purpose – to champion dreams and opportunities so everyone can rise – and set the marketing strategies for the company’s portfolio of brands, representing $14 billion in sales.

She has also held several executive marketing roles at Nationwide Insurance and brand management Procter & Gamble.

Elicia believes “to whom much is given much is required”—she uses her voice as a force for good and is not afraid to advocate for bold change that creates space for others to win. Elicia serves on the Shaquille O’Neal Foundation Board, Morehouse College School of Economics and Business Advisory Board and is a founding Board Member of Color Vision, an organization dedicated to developing and celebrating the next generation of creative women of color in marketing & advertising.

Elicia was recognized in AdAge’s “40 under 40” Class of 2021 and as She Runs It “Working Mother of the Year” in 2022. She studied Marketing at The Ohio State University in the Fisher College of Business and earned the college’s top recognition, the Pace Setters Award in 2005 and 2021.

Elicia is the proud mother of 4 young men and wife to Nathaniel Azali Sr.

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