Actress Malinda Williams, Arise And Shine Foundation Founder, Launches Coding Bootcamp for Women at HBCUs

Actress, author, and entrepreneur Malinda Williams, in a significant move toward fostering diversity and equal opportunity in the tech industry, has launched a groundbreaking coding bootcamp, the E.S.T.E.A.M. Project, for women at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs).

Through Williams’ Arise And Shine Foundation Inc., a 501(c)(3) with a mission to serve as a conduit of information, inspiration, and empowerment of women in all walks of life, this innovative initiative aims to enable women with valuable coding and technical skills.

“As a professional actress and someone who has experienced first-hand the support of my community, I understand the value of collaboration and paying it forward,” said Williams. “The Arise And Shine Foundation exists to empower women to reach their goals and coding is a powerful tool – it is the language of the future. The E.S.T.E.A.M. Project will offer young women an avenue to acquire valuable skills to propel them forward in the 21st century.”

Selected students will kick-off the four-week program with an exciting in-person weekend filled with inspiration, impactful life lessons, skill building, and networking. Participants will also explore how coding, app development and STEAM training can help them find success in a variety of career paths. At the core of the curriculum, students will learn Apple’s SwiftUI programming language.

Photo credit: Arise And Shine Foundation

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