Gregory Washington

by Edward Cates
Gregory Washington
Eighth President
George Mason University
Serves on Board of Directors for: S&P Global

Gregory Washington serves as the eighth President of George Mason University. Washington is the former Dean of the Henry Samueli School of Engineering at the University of California, Irvine (UCI), and former Interim Dean of the College of Engineering at Ohio State University.

In his seven years at UCI, Washington expanded undergraduate and graduate enrollment in the engineering school and recruited and hired one of the most diverse engineering faculty cohorts in the country.

The first African American dean of engineering at any University of California campus, and the first African American president at Mason, Washington established an Office of Access and Inclusion at UCI to enhance campus life for all students and chaired the Task Force on Ensuring a Positive Climate for the Campus’ Black Community.

Washington earned three degrees in Mechanical Engineering, including his PhD, at North Carolina State University.

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